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Costa Rican Nights

Suspended air beneath the sky
Sleeps like a baby
Wooden shutters open wide
Costa Rican spring night
Foreign speech, the market square

And then there, you see a girl
She's a far distance in the crowd
But she's glowing and her belly button ring is showing

You take your lemon for a drive
The sky's cleaner than ever
The wind brushes through your hair
You want to close your eyes

But you find the girl
She's far away from home
And she's feeling, and screaming, but where's the sin?

And she cries

You're with the girl
She's far misunderstood
She's charming, but her stories keep you screaming

And you cry

Tonight, when today is the first day of her life
Tonight, when you carry the load off her mind
Tonight, when you rest her head on your heart
Tonight, when you hold her hand for a while

Mike Abou Samah
Shawn Campbell


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